At Alita Constructions, we recognise our social responsibility to the communities in which our employees live and work. Therefore:
- We encourage and organise appointments for our employees to donate blood as a team to the Australian Red Cross.
- Alastair, our director, participated in the 2014 Vinnies CEO sleep out to raise awareness and funds for homelessness.
- Alita proudly supports the “Mates in construction program”. Every year 190 Australians working in the construction industry take their own lives, this means Australia lose a construction worker every second day to suicide. The MIC program uses training as tool to raise awareness that there is a problem with suicide and its contributing risk factors in our industry and we can all be part of the solution.
If you need help, contact the MIC Helpline: 1300 MIC 111 ( 1300 642 111) - We also support various not-for profit organisations such as Eucalypt home, mission work in PNG and Pindari Restoration House for Men. Pindari Restoration House for Men is a not-for profit organisation that offers a long-term residence program, usually lasting 12 months, helping men who themselves are ready and determined to end their endless cycles of addiction, homelessness, poverty, irresponsibility, chronic anxiety and other dysfunctional behaviours.