Alita Constructions BBQ Fundraise for R U OK? Day

Alita Constructions BBQ Fundraise for R U OK? Day

Funds Raised
$ 0

Through out the month of September, Alita Constructions is hosting multiple R U OK? Day BBQ fundraisers. 


Event 1: Forrestdale Business Park

On the 9th of September, R U OK? Day, local business owners and employees joined Alita Constructions in a BBQ fundraiser. 

Attendees supported the cause by eating Burgers, hotdogs and of course amazing cup cakes.  

The event was a great opportunity for Alita Constructions to connect with other business owners/employees from the Forrestdale Business Park area and to take the time out to discuss and support each other in these uncertain times.

Raised $450

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Event 2: Nations Church

On the 17th of September 2021, approximately 35 subcontractors helped Alita Constructions raise $315 towards our R U OK? Day campaign. Subcontractors enjoyed burgers, hotdogs and cupcakes, followed by a speech from Alastair Kleyn, Director of Alita Constructions. 

Raised $315

Event 3: Our Lady of Mercy College

On the 21st September 2021, our valued subcontractors at our Australind project helped Alita Constructions raise $177 towards our R U OK? Day campaign. Subcontractors enjoyed burgers, hotdogs and cupcakes, followed by a speech from Alastair Kleyn, Director of Alita Constructions.  

Raised $177

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As a commercial construction company in Perth, we are very aware that the construction industry has the highest rate of male suicide in Australia and that men in the construction industry are 53% more likely to die by suicide than other employed males in this country. 

It is simply alarming to know that 8 people take their own lives in Australia per day!

When the community doesn’t work well we can very quickly have lonely, vulnerable suffering people that don’t get the love and support they need. This too often leads to people having no hope and eventually taking their own life.

A further 2 fundraising BBQ’s will be held on-site in the coming weeks. 

"I am passionate about people and the community. I believe we were created to have relationships with each other and I believe communities only get stronger and safer when we are well connected and are willing to know and support each other."
Ali 13
Ali Kleyn
Director of Alita Constructions

R U OK? is a great charity with really good intentions, they contribute to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging people to invest more time in their personal relationships and building the capacity of informal support networks.

Funds that are raised go to delivering new campaigns and free resources to inspire regular, meaningful conversations in schools, workplaces and communities. R U OK? Day work with various other organisations such as Suicide Prevention Australia, Mental Health Australia, Lifeline, Black Dog etc.

See more about R U OK? here!

Together we can make a stronger community!

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